Amit Hooda spent his childhood enjoying the beauty of northern India, a region both climatically and culturally diverse. While vibrant and full of life, this region was often clouded by the ever-growing conflict between the government and opposing guerilla groups. Violence was an everyday reality for Amit, his family, and his neighbors during the Punjab Insurgency.
Our Founder's Story

Founder. Life Changer. Visionary. Peace Collector.
Meet Amit Hooda

Despite the violence that often surrounded them, Amit and his family strove to live a purist life. His father, renowned agronomist Dr. I.S. Hooda, cultivated natural and sustainable ways to grow food on their family farm. His father’s knowledge and his family’s way of life were deeply influential for Amit, setting him on the path towards Heavenly Organics.

After completing a degree in Software Engineering, Amit continued to feel a pull towards the continuing discord in his beloved homeland. Amit turned to his father for help in developing a plan that would allow him to foster peace. By creating long-term, ethical jobs in agriculture, Amit and his father realized that they could help pull families in these communities out of turbulence.
People in conflict areas don't need charity money. What they need is a job.

Amit and his father looked at the native practices of local honey collectors in Northern and Central India. While profitable, these methods were unsustainable, harming both the colonies of local bees and the forests where they lived. With a mind to both provide economic opportunities for local communities with ethical jobs and to protect and preserve the natural environment and its bees, Amit and his father founded Heavenly Organics.
"What I've Learned from the bees is how much amazing work they do.
Wherever they go, they make everything beautiful.
They give every species a chance to Evolve and Grow.

Amit and Dr. Hooda created a force for change in Northern and Central India. Heavenly Organics is built up of worker-owned cooperatives, providing stable jobs and economic opportunity for over 650 families. The organization pioneered sustainable, bee-friendly honey harvesting methods. And for you, Heavenly Organics products are GMO-, pesticide-, and antibiotic-free, bringing truly premium, life-changing honey to the market.